The contract management features are great, especially the ability to set a contract’s term/duration using Start and End Dates, along with Resignation Notices and optional Automatic Renewals. However, one crucial field is missing: the Exploitation Period, the duration for which rights under a given agreement are granted.
In licensing and recording agreements, the exploitation period often differs from the contract’s overall term. This information is essential for properly managing catalogs, as it determines which assets remain exploitable and which require renewal or removal.
Without this field, it’s difficult to accurately track and manage rights, especially in agreements where master recordings are licensed rather than owned.
Suggested Implementation:
  • The Exploitation Period could be set relative to the contract’s End Date (e.g., a 2-year contract term plus a 10-year exploitation period starting after the release of the last master recording).
  • Alternatively, it could be set as a fixed date, depending on the agreement terms.
Adding this field would significantly enhance contract and catalog management. Thanks for considering this!